Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Canada Trip, Part 1

Leaving Spokane

I returned from Canada yesterday afternoon and finally enjoyed a good night sleep. Now that I'm rested, I can write about my trip.

The train left Spokane at 1:15 in the morning. In fact, the only time trains ever leave Spokane is in the early morning hours. The crazy schedule obviously caters to the convenience of more "important" places on the route like Seattle or Chicago.

After finding a seat, I watched the city slowly pass my window from a totally different perspective than normal. Spokane resembled a massive industrial wasteland without a tree in sight; only gray concrete, crumbling brink, and steel trusses passed my eyes. When we finally left the city, I nestled into my pillow and tried to sleep.

Before I left, I prayed I would awake right at sunrise to greet the new day from the train. Right on cue, I opened my eyes and saw the magnificent sun rising over the Rocky Mountains. The view startled me because of its amazing beauty. In that moment, the world seemed bright, clear, and timeless. Of course, the photograph above doesn't do justice to the sight I beheld.

Shortly thereafter, we stopped for a brief rest in Whitefish, Montana; I got to go out, stretch my legs, and take this second picture.

More to come...

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