Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hurrican Dean: Update #2

Click to Enlarge Image.
Infrared satellite image showing current location of Hurricane Dean.

Click to Enlarge Image.
Most recent track prediction for Hurricane Dean.

Storm Over Jamaica

The most recent satellite images of Hurricane Dean show the storm making a direct hit on the island nation of Jamaica. Current news reports indicate thousands of people, including foreign tourists who could not depart in time, are taking shelter away from the battered coastline.

Prediction Track

Updated projection tracks show Hurricane Dean making a likely landfall about 100 miles south of Cancun, though Mexican officials have issued a hurricane watch for the entire eastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. About 60-70% of the time, hurricanes fall within the predicated area, but an exact line is difficult to foresee with complete accuracy. The storm can still veer north toward Cancun, or move south. In any case, Cancun will still suffer hurricane force winds within the next 48 hours, though if the tourist zone avoids a direct hit, damage may be minimal. We're still taking a wait-and-see attitude as the storm barrels closer to our vacation destination.

We also continue to pray for those living within the hurricane track.

More to come...

All images courtesy of the National Hurricane Center:

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