Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hurricane Dean: Update #5

Image courtesy of the National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Dean made landfall more than 150 miles south of Cancun in the early morning hours.

According to the BBC this morning:

"Major tourist resorts were spared a direct hit as Dean came ashore near the Mexican town of Majahual, about 170 miles south of Cancun.

"The hurricane has weakened to Category Three, with winds of 125mph as it crosses land.

"The eye of the storm made landfall at 3:30am in a sparsely populated part of the coastline. It lashed low-lying communities and ancient ruins."

A BBC correspondent said, "In the resort of Cancun further north people are breathing a sigh of relief. It feels more like a rainy day than a serious storm, and people are out walking in the streets."

Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6956874.stm on August 21, 2007.

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