Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cancun #48

"La Bamba" originated from the Mexican state of Veracruz.

My girls loved these dresses.

These dancers portrayed old men.

This dancer held a bowl of fire.

More of the same...

We saw many other dances performed that night. My favorite was "La Bamba," maybe because I sing that song every chance I get at karaoke, or maybe because I know a little about the history. In the dance, a man and a woman actually tie a bow by pushing the ribbon with their feet. That is why the song says it takes "un poco de gracia" (a little talent or grace) to dance La Bamba. In the photograph above, the dancers show off the bow they tied during their dance.

My other favorite dance is shown above where the men wear masks and pretend to be old. They hold their achy backs, but their feet move like fire. It was amazing to watch. We loved it all. Both my daughters said they loved the shows most of all during our trip.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Over the years I have asked several people for information on the song La Bamba. All I ever got was, "It's just a folk song. It has no real meaning". This is the first time I have ever read any background or history behind it. Thanks!

    Anne(from Az)
