Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chichen Itza #2

The front entrance of the Mayaland Hotel.

The Caracol Observatory is perfectly aligned with the front entrance of the hotel.

The swimming pool is surrounded by jungle.

A side view of the hotel.

Resident peacocks at the hotel.

Bamboo growing in the inner courtyard.

A small pool inside the courtyard.

A view down the main hall to our room.

The Mayaland Hotel

We arrived at Chichen Itza and checked into our room at the Mayaland Hotel. We were immediately struck by the magnificence and beauty of the accommodations. The hotel was surrounded by jungle, within walking distance of the ruins. The staff informed us that royalty and celebrities had once stayed there. Even as I write this, I'm impressed by the memory of that place. I've been away for only a few days now, but I should very much like to return.

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