Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Isla Mujeres #5

My mom Shelly, me, and Dakota above the water.

My mom Shelly, me, and Dakota below the water.


The highlight of our visit to Isla Mujeres was definitely the snorkeling. The boat brought us to a spot on the edge of the island where they gave us goggles and flippers. One of the guides jumped in ahead of us and lead the way. I hesitated only once before jumping into the sea.

The world beneath the water is so foreign and strange. Time stands still amid the endless waving of water, undersea plants, and fish. My favorite fish was a large rainbow looking thing, but I didn't get any good pictures.

I was very proud of Dakota for braving the water and snorkeling with my mom and I (Whitney stayed on the boat). He got a little nervous by the end and grabbed my arm. He said later he really enjoyed it, but didn't like the fish to get too close. For my part, I loved it and could have stayed longer.

At the end, a man swam up to us and offered to take our picture. I laughed when I realized the high pressure sales so characteristic of this region followed us even under the sea. Oh well, how often do we go snorkeling on Isla Mujeres? I agreed to the pictures. An hour later, the man found us on the beach and sold us the pictures for $10 USD each.


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