Thursday, January 31, 2008

Host Families

Rushing out the door this morning, I fumbled with my cell phone to retrieve an unexpected message. A woman's voice called me by my first and last name, and said she read the newspaper article and wanted more information about hosting. I knew we had planned to recruit host families for the Ecuador Youth Leadership Exchange, but what article?

Less than an hour later, an acquaintance from work passed me in the hall and said, "Nice article."

A few minutes later, a third person complimented the article, so I finally asked. "The Spokesman Review published an article today asking for host families. Your name appeared at the end."

"So that's what happened," understanding finally began to dawn upon me. We went to the kitchen and and rifled through the paper until we finally found the article in question. It appeared in the "South Side Voice" on page S11. It is printed here in its entirety.

And yes, we really do need host families, so if you or anyone you know is interested in hosting, let me know. My number appears on the article.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barry, this is Terry Gamon's daughter Nikki. I love your blog and I know Dad enjoys it too.

    I wanted to let you know that Dad is at Sacred Heart. He had bypass surgery yesterday after having some angina on Tuesday. Surgery went well and he is doing very well with recovery so far. Please email me if you have any questions. I'm sure he would appreciate your good thoughts.
