Monday, January 18, 2010


On Tuesday morning of our Guasave trip, my host mother and her friend joined my family for breakfast in the hotel. We had a very pleasant visit, which somehow turned to the topic of religion. She spoke to me regarding some of the more miraclous aspects of her faith, including several visionary experiences that predicted the death of various individuals in her community. As she spoke, my hairs stood on end. I'm not sure why I needed to hear this, but I'm sure to remember our visit for many years to come.

On a totally different note, we met the daughter of another neighbor who by chance was eating at a nearby table. The mother was a very kind, elderly woman who used to buy dollars from me at every opportunity.

We posed for pictures, embraced, and then paused for a long while. A feeling of sadness swept over me as I realized we reached the end of our visit. It was like I wanted to the moment to linger just a little bit longer, but finally my host mother turned and said goodbye. I certainly hope we get another visit soon.

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