Sunday, January 03, 2010

Los Vecinos

After dinner and ice cream, my host family showed us all the changes they have made to their house in the last twenty years. It was very exciting for to show Rhonda and the kids the place I lived back when I was sixteen years old.

We then went outside, and Delia my host mother started going door to door to tell all the neighbors about my visit. The people started pouring into the street from their houses. I was especially happy to see the family of my friends across the street. The most amazing part was that they seemed to remember me as if I had been there yesterday. They hugged me and laughed and told me how beautiful my family is. It was the highlight of my trip. Beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Falte yo... Snif, snif... Pero desde aqui te mando todo mi cariƱo. Gracias por llegar y quedarte en mi vida. Eres para mi un gran y muy querido amigo. TQM!
