Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birthday Number 39

On the morning of my 39th birthday, the sunlight reflected through my bedroom window at precisely the right angle and cast a rainbow onto my ceiling. In the last eleven years of living in this house, nothing like this had ever happened before, and yet on this day, a rainbow appeared just as I opened my eyes.

There is nothing unusual about a rainbow. The sunlight just happened to reflect and divide into its constituent colors, but the timing made me smile. This was the best birthday present in many years.

My birthday fell on a Saturday. Earlier that week, my students and co-workers threw a wonderful party. I kind of expected a card and certainly an occasional well-wisher, but I did not expect the outpouring of celebration and support. I'm not easily moved by birthdays, but at one moment, I felt tears welling up in my eyes from all the warmth.

Bob and Carole at my birthday party.


Ward looking for a file just before my birthday celebration.

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