Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cedar Baskets

Our basket-making class reconvened for the second weekend, but I was unable to attend the first day. Unfortunately, my alternator gave up the ghost, and I was stuck at home until I could get my car to the mechanic. I was able to borrow a car for the second day and at least get my basket started. 

Some pictures from the second day. 

This was as far as I got on my basket. I'm very disappointed that I had all the car troubles and missed the first day, but I'm still thankful for what I got to experience. I suppose the incomplete basket is simply an invitation to re-enter the process at some future date. 

Got to see some cool things in nature on my drive, 
like this family of geese. 

...and this little blue bird. 
Does anyone know the name of this species? 

...and the clouds descending over the mountain. 

...rain clouds over the Columbia River. 

...and the sun.

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