Monday, October 13, 2014

Indigenous People's Day

The Native American Student Organization (NASO) at Spokane Community College sponsored a cultural event in honor of Indigenous People's Day, joining a growing number of jurisdictions around the country that have ditched Columbus Day in favor of celebrating indigenous peoples. Both Seattle and Minneapolis made the change this year. 

NASO posted this image around campus to advertise an Indigenous People's Day observance. 

Shonto Pete sang hand drum songs in the student center in honor of indigenous peoples. Both students and staff paused to listen, and many applauded after each song. For me, it was wonderful to hear the sound of traditional songs resonating throughout the school. 

Thank you NASO and Shonto for organizing this event and raising public awareness. 

A detailed view of the poster shows a rejection of Columbus. 

A view of the entire poster. 

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