Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cathy McMorris Visits Colville

Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris visited the community college at Colville this afternoon to lead a panel discussion on the damaging effects of meth on our community. I didn't watch the bullentins, so I didn't even know she was in my building until I walked by the auditorium and saw her standing at the door. I had to stop and listen for a few moments, though I was deeply distressed by what I heard. Meth is such a dangerous drug and causes severe damage to the brain. I pray for those I know and love who use this drug. I ask God to touch their hearts and inspire them to stop.


  1. Thank you Beautiful Ivy for your comments. I really do appreciate you checking in from time to time. Also, your point about government is well taken. I think you and I would agree government often exists to perpetuate itself, and unfortunately, government is ill equipped to address our most pressing social concerns.

    One thing always bothered me about the traditional approach to meth in particular and drug issues in general. Yes, there is a definite law enforcement issue, but more often than not, people tend to discount or minimize the role of other factors leading to drug abuse; such as untreated mental health issues, lack of economic opportunity, lack of education, unskilled parenting, etc. As a nation we seem determined to lock everydoby up, without ever looking for REAL answers to peoples' problems.

  2. Ivy, although I am not a big fan of polticans I do think anything anyone does to educate people about the problems with Meth is time well spent. I just recently learned it takes only 12-15 letters to a legislator to make them think there is a promblem in the community. It is true that polticans seem to just want to get a pay check yet the only way they can get their pay check is by staying in office. So how do they stay in office? They do what makes their constituants happy. But those who complain most and are affected most about government decisoions do nothing to change it but sit around and complain. If we want change we must as a community band together and insist upon change. I do not know ivy if you take an active role in the community so I am not judging you. I am judging society as a whole who expect change yet put no effort in trying to make change. And Barry you say that all we do is lock people up for the crimes they commit and do not ever try to remedy the problem, this is so true. Our prison popultion is growing steadily and crime seems to presist. We seem to think the prison system is working, yet it obviously isnt. I think we need to get to the root of crime(e.g. poverty). If not that we should at least concentrate on methods that reduce the risk of crimanals reoffending.
