Saturday, May 13, 2006

Prayer Song

Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

Earlier this semester, my graduate advisor invited me to read an Old Testament scripture during our commencement ceremony. The keynote speaker selected the verse: Genesis 17:15-22, regarding God's covenant with Abraham to give him a son, even in his old age. The message is a lesson in faith; nothing is impossible to God.

I had planned to simply read the verse, but two of my instructors came to me privately and asked me to add something from my culture. Without announcement, I spoke briefly in Salish, and then sang my father's prayer song. Then I read the Bible text in Salish and English. When I sang the song, I felt overwhelmed with emotion and thought I might not finish because of my tears. Then I heard voices singing from the back of the room. I realized my family was standing and singing with me, giving me strength to finish. Rhonda told me later she saw several people weeping in the audience.

In the midst of sadness and struggle, I find blessing and strength once again.

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