Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Vietnam Memorial

Myles D. Westman was my uncle's friend during the Vietnam War; and while I don't know the whole story, I know he died when my uncle Richard lived. When I found his name on the wall, a wave of unexpected emotion brought tears to my eyes. I bless his memory and pray for my uncle. More on this later...


  1. Myles D. Westman was my uncle, I never got to know, except through stories that my Dad (his older brother) would tell. I don't know much about the man except that he was great at running and that he could hit a ball. He was a caring, kind hearted young man who was buried one year to the day that he graduated high school.

  2. Hi Tula, I clicked on your name, but no contact information appeared. If you happen to check back and read this message, I would love to hear more about your uncle. The name Myles D. Westman has had a huge impact on my life through my uncle, but I know nothing else.

