Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I attended my first graduation as a faculty member at the Institute for Extended Learning. What an amazing experience! Many of my students walked across the stage and received a GED or high school diploma. That alone inspired me and made me remember why I love teaching.

Of course, it was wonderful to walk into the room with my fellow teachers dressed in our academic regalia. It really is magnificent to see, but later on, I joked that my graduation robes cost me $70,000, so I wanted to get the most use out of them as possible.

The top photograph shows me standing with my co-instructor Terry Gamon. We worked together this last quarter, and I have to say I truly admire this man. He works hard for the benefit of our students and tries to instill confidence in everyone. I've learned a lot working with him these last few months, and look forward to many new experiences to come.

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