Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yurt Blessing

Candace at the right, greeting a friend.

Mike in a moment of reflection.

Looking up toward the yurt.

Mike and Candace recently built a yurt on Vision Mountain and asked a community of friends to participate in a special blessing ceremony, which was a beautiful experience on many levels. We had a talking circle, and then shared a wonderful meal. I also got the chance to sing a blessing song, which doesn't always happen for me in that kind of setting. The emotion and spirit of that moment surprised me. We are definitely building bridges between cultures.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Barry, it was so good to have you there and to share with us. Your song was profoundly moving. Thank you.
    We're growning to understand just how fortunate we are, to have such a community to share and build and celebrate with.
