Saturday, February 09, 2008


A reporter speaks with Hillary supporters.

Long lines wrapped several times around the West Central Community Center.

Lines began forming early around the West Central Community Center to see Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in her campaign stop to Spokane. The announcement of her visit came less than 24 hours before, but the event filled quickly. By the time the doors opened, thousands had arrived to catch a glimpse of the candidate.

A feeling of excitement filled the air among her supporters. One person I know spoke in whispered tones, "You know, I think she can really win." Others expressed their support with more vocal enthusiasm.

For my part, I tend to support Obama, but he did not make a personal stop in Spokane. I chose to participate in the Hillary event because I wanted to see the candidate, and not his or her surrogate. In the end, I will support the Democratic candidate, whoever that may be.

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