Wednesday, October 08, 2008


More attempts at fake tilt-shift photography using images from downtown Spokane. To get the full effect, click on the images to see larger, more detailed versions.


  1. I think you have a great blog, and maybe you should consider advertising with Google ad words? Have you thought about it? There are those who make big money blogging, and those - who average about 1,000 hits a month that can make - I think - about $200-300 a year??? I know from all my research that there are very few good Native American blogs out there. Most are too political or exclusive. Anyway - just a thought I had. I also stopped by to say I added another Native blogger to my list - a Lakota from Nebraska.

  2. Very interesting... I don't quite get that many hits per month, but I suppose that could easily change. I don't know much about Ad Words can you tell me more???

  3. you just sign up - i'll have to see where/how. You can work to increase your hits. Blogging is an interesting animal. I have a presentation on blogging on a - I think. i'll find the link and send it to you. I know from my research there are few native bloggers. So, the more you write about that, the more you'll turn up in searches.
