Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Twin Eagles

Tim, originally uploaded by sulustumoses.

Within the last two years, Tim Corcoran and Jeannine Tidwell of Twin Eagles Wilderness School have impacted my life in surprising ways.

They first heard me speak at an environmental conference in Spokane Valley, but we did not meet at that time. Later, they attended my presentation at the Spokane Bioneers conference and finally introduced themselves to me. Since then, our paths have crossed many times and our connection deepened.

Through Twin Eagles, Tim and Jeannine empower young people and adults to connect with nature in meaningful and tangible ways. Not only do they provide skills that increase a sense of personal mastery, but more important, they live each day from a place of deep commitment to the earth. Our friendship has inspired me to strengthen my own passion for earth-based knowledge in ways I never expected. Since they entered my life, I find my awareness of the natural world has become more alive and vibrant.

I feel confident this connection will only grow.


  1. I most certainly DID take this photograph. Thanks for noticing.
