Wednesday, October 07, 2009


This November, I have the opportunity to participate in a mission trip to Puerto Maldonado, Peru, located on the Madre de Dios River in the Amazon Jungle. I will provide education, inter-personal training, and translation support for a team of full-time service workers dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve.

The mission supports a number of charitable projects, including the construction of Hope House, which provides shelter and vocational training for young women leaving a life of prostitution.

This is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others, so I am requesting the prayers and financial support of my friends. You can donate by clicking on the PayPal button in the upper left column of this page, or you can contact me direclty for other options. I realize these are difficult times for many, so any amount is appreciated. If you have questions about this project, send me an email:


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    When are you planning on leaving? and how long will you be there?

  2. I will be in Peru for only a week; leaving on Sunday, November 15, and returning Sunday, November 22.

  3. Sounds great. It *is* great that you're doing this. Please don't hold it against me but right now, I can't give anything. I'm constantly saving in the hope of a trip that might finally not be to the Pacific Northwest as we are battling against an out of state transfer. Have a great weekend.

  4. Hello Ciel... I absolutely hold nothing against you. I know you're saving for your own dream.
