Sunday, October 18, 2009


This weekend, I participated in the opening retreat of the Leadership Development Program at the Community Colleges of Spokane. I joined with fifteen other instructors, administrators, and professionals selected from the three colleges and the central offices of our district. Within the first day, we formed a caring, supportive group without regard for degrees or positions. In a small but significant way, we got to step outside our normal roles and to share authentic experiences from a clear heart space. Throughout the year, we will continue to meet for ongoing community-building and professional development.

Before I began, I had hoped to build an increased sense of community and renewal within my career. The Leadership Development Program will no doubt open this doorway to me and all the group.

Our opening retreat convened on the campus of Spokane Community College. During our lunch break, I had the chance to hike the river trail and take some wonderful autumn pictures.


  1. Sounds like it is an excellent initiative. And of course, the photos are gorgeous, the blurred effect makes them dreamy.
    Glad to have helped and I didn't know about blankets being turned into coats, though of course it makes sense, especially when looking at old prints or paintings.

  2. It really is a great thing. Thanks for the compliment.

  3. That foggy pic of the power lines is wonderful. I can feel the mist.
