Monday, November 16, 2009

South America

Where do I begin?

For the last two days, I have been in transit to Lima, Peru; however, Delta Airlines has cancelled almost every connecting flight. We were supposed to fly directly from Atlanta to Lima in a six hour flight, but we arrived late from Salt Lake City and missed our connection. Rather than get us a hotel and put us on the first flight the next morning, they decided to divert us through Sao Paulo, Brazil. The customer service only got worse as the hours progressed into days.

The flight from Altanta to Sao Paulo lasted a whole nine hours, over the the Carribbean Sea, the Amazon Jungle, and half of the South American continent. Once we arrived in Sao Paulo, we waited another 6 or 7 hours for Delta to decide where to send us next.

It would have been nice to see the sights, but the Brazilian government would not allow us to leave the terminal without purchasing a tourist visa for more than $100.

By this time, we were exhausted and cranky; neither of us had slept more than an hour or two, but I guess the positive side of this whole nightmare is that I got to practice my Portuguese for the first time in real life. I have been studying Portuguese online for the last three or four weeks. Actually, I was surprised how much I was able to understand.

The airline finally decided to allow us to continue our journey to Lima, but they diverted us once again through Buenos Aires, Aregentina. Buenos Aires! I am posting this blog right now from the airport in Buenos Aires.

When we left, I had no idea we would eventually see two states (Utah and Georgia) and three countries (Brazil, Argentina, and Peru). Amazing.

These experience has been an exercise in patience and surrender. I wonder what other lessons I can find to avoid going insane from exhaustion, frustration, and repeated delays.


  1. traveling mercies, barry. i hope to see many wonderful pics and hear wonderful reports as the trip continues. jen

  2. It's always the journey my friend, seldom the destination. For those of us who travel for a living, your day, or days as they've now become, are sadly not that uncommon - it's part and parcel of traveling. I find it helps to reach inside and find that zen center. Our work is not always where we think it is.

    You are not alone, there are thousands of people around the world stuck in airports just like you - waiting. When I get stuck I look at the others around me knowing that some of them are missing important birthdays, treasured holidays, family funerals and that hoped for last goodbye.

  3. Good of you to be so patient. My frustration level would be too high to stay calm... Though of course it wouldn't change anything. Hope you enjoy Lima.

  4. Hey, it's all good. :) I'll say a prayer for you.
