Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Our vacation took an unexpected turn when our flight to Guaymas was seriously overbooked. Tempers got a little out of hand as a man screamed at the ticket agent and demanded a refund. Also, a family of six also got a little testy when they thought they might lose their much anticipated vacation.

I started having flashbacks of my Delta Airlines nightmare in Atlanta, but then the US Airways agent offered us a ray of hope. In exchange for our inconvenience, they gave each one of us a voucher for $325 to anyplace they fly. Multiplied by five, and the grand total comes up to $1,625 for a future family vacation. We also got a two-bedroom suite at the Marriott Hotel and meal vouchers. We lost a day of our Mexico trip, but tonight we're relaxing in a wonderful hotel and enjoying time together as a family.

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