Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chief Joseph

Back in the year 2000, I taught an art class at Medicine Wheel Academy; not that I was qualified to teach art, mind you. I did not hold an art endorsement, nor had I taken any classes since high school. However, alternative schools at that time did not require subject-specific endorsements. I was free to teach any class I wanted, so I taught art. As part of that class, I painted a portrait of Chief Joseph - acrylic on canvas board. 

I gave the painting to a friend, but tonight I made the odd request that he allow me to photograph the painting for my own keepsake. He agreed, and here is a digital copy - thirteen years later. 


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Hey my friend. I suppose it is your humble nature to say that you are not qualified to teach art. Your artwork speaks differently. Much of our modern society says that you are qualified when you have a degree. And while that is often true, I have seen many more times when a non-degreed or naturally talented or personally-earned skill is pretty darn amazing. The qualification is more in the energy than in the paper. Best, Percy
