Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Little Mermaid

Dakota and Whitney performed the Little Mermaid at the Bing Crosby Theater as part of the most recent CYT Spokane production. Dakota played Prince Eric and Whitney played one of the mermaid sisters. They performed this evening to a sold out show, and of course, they did a wonderful job. I could not be more proud to see their confidence and ability grow. 

Tickets are still available HERE for next weekend. 

Prince Eric at the helm. 

Ariel and Flounder discuss the dinglehopper. 

King Triton and his daughters. 
Whitney is in the center. 

Ursual the Sea Witch. 

Ursula cast a spell to make Ariel human. 

Prince Eric and Ariel. 

"Kiss the Girl." 

Just before the Sea Witch perishes. 

London was the best starfish ever.

Whitney got to wear some incredible eyelashes. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Such wonderful photo's! AWESOME! Dakota and Whitney so beautiful. Barry that picture of the Bing theatre is just Great!
