Friday, July 26, 2013

Downtown on a Hot Summer Day

Tonight I'm catching up on my blog. Some time near the end of spring quarter, I had this idea that summer would be much more relaxing than it actually turned out to be. It seems that when my schedule opened, all kinds of things rush to fill it. Even so, a few things are worth mentioning. 

The other day, I had coffee at Coeur Coffee House with Larry Cebula, history professor at Eastern Washington University. We discussed some ideas for my candidacy paper at Gonzaga, and I have to say that our conversation was one of the highlights of my week. I'm feeling grateful for the encouragement. 

After a short walk through the blistering heat, I arrived at Greenstone Homes at Kendall Yards to inspect the new mural by Cain and Todd Benson. It seems like these guys show up in my blog all the time; I guess I just always appreciate their work. I feel like they do something important for the community. 

I can't decide if I like the bee or the ladybug better. In any case, I felt compelled to get some of my own pictures of their artwork. These things are transitory - they have a tendency to disappear, so I want to have my own memory of what they did. 

And of course, the obligatory self-portrait in front of their art....

I'm not sure what these flowers are called, but they created an interesting perspective of the Spokane skyline. 

The last picture as I walked back to my car. 

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