Sunday, September 01, 2013

Canoeing the Spokane River

The other day, I received a call from Br. Smith from the Brentwood Ward. He said, "Some years ago, your father-in-law asked me a question that I am now going to ask you: Do you want to go canoeing down the Spokane River?" It didn't take me long to accept his invitation. 

The group of us drove to a small park directly below the Maple Street Bridge - we put in our canoes at that spot.  

As we were getting ready to put in, I looked up into a tree and noticed this wooden cross - a makeshift memorial to someone who had presumably died near that location. Perhaps it was a bad omen, so I reminded the group that we should probably say a prayer. The river is a powerful spirit that we ought to respect. 

Dakota under the bridge. 

A group shot, just before embarking down the river. 

Dakota again, under the bridge. 

Actually, I participated in that same trip with Br. Smith and my father-in-law more than ten years ago. On that previous trip, Br. Smith capsized when his canoe took in too much water. Now on our second trip today, Br. Smith capsized again - almost immediately. Dakota and I were unable to get back upstream to help them, so we had to simply watch while they struggled to right their canoe. The Maple Street Bridge and downtown Spokane were visible in the background. 

Two other canoes made the trip with us. 

We passed under an abandoned bridge. 

Dakota was an expert navigator. 

Taking out the canoes. 

We took out near TJ Meenach Bridge. 
All in all, it was perfectly beautiful day. 

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