Sunday, October 27, 2013

Homemade Pie

This is the beginning of the food season - Halloween candy, Thanksgiving turkey, and Christmas dinner; it's a wonderful time of year, but it's also difficult for my diet. 

But yes, once a year, I love to pick sugar pumpkins from Greenbluff and make my own pies from scratch. I found a great recipe online that makes a wonderful dessert. Well, the recipe is 21 pages long when printed, mostly because it addresses every possible contingency and variation, but if you can skip to essential details, it really does make a great pie.  

I used three small pumpkins, and I got enough goop to make two pies, with enough left over to make a delicious pumpkin curry soup. 

The crust was another issue. It is still hard to get a perfect crust; however, this time it turned out better than before. The last time I attempted a pie crust, the thing was like a lead Frisbee. At least this time the crust would break with a fork. 

One of the sugar pumpkins
immediately before its demise. 

I used an ice cream scoop to extract the seeds. 

I then steamed the pumpkins. collection of pie spices and flavors. 

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