Thursday, June 12, 2014

Senior Follies

Senior Follies was a theatrical production performed by the 2014 graduating class of CYT Spokane. The graduating seniors reminisced on stage, sang songs from previous shows, and re-enacted embarrassing moments from past auditions. It was all performed in the spirit of good-natured humor. 

CYT has been a huge blessing in the lives of our children. It is bitter-sweet to see Dakota's final performance in this incredible organization.    

A re-enactment of past auditions got 
a great laugh from the audience. 

Children were chosen to represent each graduating senior 
in a special number that recalled their childhood with CYT.

This was Dakota's childhood double. 

Grandma Shelly witnessed Dakota's last CYT performance. did Grandpa Ron and Grandma Linda. 

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