Monday, October 06, 2014


The other day, Micah visited with me on the campus of Whitworth University. We hardly know each other, but he once heard me give a speech that impacted him in a meaningful way. Now he was passing through Spokane and asking me to talk about the spirituality of hunting - something he called the "sacred hunt." He took a video of our conversation to be posted on a future blog or website. 

When he visited, I neglected to get a picture. 

Today he stopped by my house on his way out of town to offer the photograph we missed. He was exhausted from an eventful weekend on the road, but I really appreciate the authenticity of his expression. It's all part of the memory we share.

This picture represents a change for me. Years ago, I hardly photographed people at all, or if I did, the faces were so distant that the photograph lacked spirit. My mother once complained when I went on a trip to Washington DC and took hundreds of pictures, and all of them devoid of people. I have come to realize that human faces are almost always the most important memory from any event. 


  1. I saw your FB post and decided to google your name and then found your blog. I am Micah's Dad and am touched by your words and the picture of my son.
    I am truly glad he made the connection with you; apparently you touched his heart at some prior time and he felt the need to reconnect. He is a gentle soul and seems to have a passion for nature and all it brings to oneself as well as to others. I am certain he appreciated your willingness to spend time with him. Thank you!
    Jon Shanser

  2. Jon, thanks for reaching out. Visiting Micah was truly unexpected; I had no idea that my words had any impact on him. But once we visited, it was clear that some important transpired. I am grateful to connect with him, and also to connect with you through this post.
