Monday, March 13, 2006

Here With Me

Hangman Creek; several summers ago.
Copyright © 2004 Barry G. Moses.

Every now and then I listen to Christian radio as I drive home from work, and today I heard a song that quite nearly moved me to tears; "Here With Me," by Mercy Me. The song has a sound I love, and a few lines really spoke to me: "I can feel your presence here with me; Suddenly I'm lost within your beauty; Caught up in the wonder of your touch; Here in this moment I surrender to your love."

I suppose these words hold special meaning in my life right now because everything about my current experience of life speaks to the issue of surrendering to the greater purposes Creator has in store for me. I've struggled through resentment and fear, but now I stand on the edge of accepting my destiny as a man of God.

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