Thursday, March 30, 2006

Latah Bridge

On Latah Bridge.
Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

Plaque on Latah Bridge.
Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

During my lunch hour walk this afternoon, I also stopped to take in the view from Latah Bridge. The bridge overlooks Latah Creek, also known as Hangman Creek. In 1858, Colonel George Wright hanged a handful of Indians near the creek in retaliation for their role in the war against the United States. His cruelty is well documented. An old Spokane legend says one of the men sang his death song just before the hanging. Contemporary indigenous observers remembered that song and passed it on to their descendants to the present day. We often sing it in honor of veterans. I learned the Hangman Song years ago while sitting around Hank Wynne's drum. I remember that song today, and all the elders who went before.

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