Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday commemorates the beginning of life after the long night of winter and death, whether we speak of the ancient indigenous rites of spring, or the resurrection of Jesus. In the ancient Jewish tradition, this season marks the Passover, when the Angel of Death literally passed over of the Israelites and delivered them to life. It seems all traditions honor new life and awakening during this time of the year.

My children remember this time because of candy, colored eggs, and new Easter clothes, but through our traditions and prayers, we also demonstrate love for one another and appreciation for life. During these last three years, my family passed through a dark season of grief and pain. As this new season bursts upon us, I pray for new life and joy. I have to believe Life is stronger than death; Hope is stronger than despair.

On a more practical level, Rhonda's brother and his family joined us for dinner. Afterwards, Paul and I enjoyed a wonderful conversation about religion, traditions, and accepting differences.

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