Friday, May 12, 2006

Gift of the Hummingbirds

Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

I stopped by to visit an elder in my family on the Spokane Reservation this afternoon. I was happy to see her, but something in the air made me feel sad. Maybe it was the way the wind blew through the trees, or the way the air felt cold on my skin, even though the sun shone brightly in the sky. Who can tell?

My yaya keeps a hummingbird feeder by the window, and as we watched them fly about, I rememebered I had my camera. Sometimes they flew too fast to photograph, but other times they seemed to pose for me. The window was open, and I could have easily reached out and touched them, but they didn't fly away. They stayed for me, and I felt happy. Even still, I could not shake the feeling of sadness settling over me.

What is this feeling, I wonder? Maybe the birds were toucing my heart and drawing forth my pain to be healed.

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