Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Meeting Jack Miller

Jack Miller, Democratic Candidate.
Copyright © 2006 Barry G. Moses.

A co-worker from the community college in Colville arranged from me to have dinner this afternoon with Jack Miller, a Democrat running for 7th District Representative, Position 1. I tend to have no shortage of political opinions, but only rarely have I ever expressed those opinions in action. Of course, even now my actions are somewhat limited, but Mr. Miller and I discussed ways to increase voter turnout on Indian reservations in his district, namely the Spokane, Colville, and Kalispel.

We discussed a number of important political issues and cultural characteristics of Native American voters, but more than anything, I was moved by Mr. Miller's concern for average citizens. At the end of our meeting, I asked permission to post his picture on my blog, along with a few comments about our meeting. I felt very hesitant to ask, but he responded with surprising openness. "Government is the people's business," he said, "People have a right to know what we're talking about."

What a refreshing perspective in an age of jaded partisanship.

To learn more about Jack Miller's campaign, click the link below.

Elect Jack Miller

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