Friday, January 05, 2007

Winter in Spokane

Friday afternoon, I went downtown to the District 81 office to request a form for my continuing teacher certificate. Afterwards, I was able to spend a few bone-chilling moments photographing Riverfront Park, and the Spokane River; beautiful, in its own miserable way (I hate the cold).

Today was also my father's 59th birthday, if in fact he were still alive. They tell me he was born during a terrible snowstorm on this very day back in 1948; at Sacred Heart. His mother arrived at the hospital with no time to spare, and delivered barely 15 minutes later. Monday will be the 13th anniversary of his passing. Ironically, his death also occurred at Sacred Heart, though it rained that day, as I recall it.

Today I feel a light wind piercing my jacket with its icy tentacles, and a slight skiff of snow falls gently to the ground. The old people say the snow covers our tracks from the previous year, but no amount of cold, rain, wind, or snow will cover the memories in my heart.

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