Saturday, June 02, 2007


Stanton playing the guitar...

Dakota jumping into Long Lake...

A butterfly we saw today...

Today was dedicated to friendship. We had lunch with Stanton and Elizabeth near Tum Tum, then went swimming in Long Lake. This evening, we attended a post-retreat dinner, dedicated to the women who attended Rhonda's last women's retreat. This was a day for building relationships.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Thanks for sharing those nice photos!Friendship is a beautiful concept and it's even beautiful that some days are dedicated to celebrate friendship.Best Friends Day is on June 8th and 15th is Friend in need is a friend indeed Day.Celebrate friendship like never before.You'll love some of the cool friendship ideas that I've posted on my blog.Cheers!

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I hope that this message makes it this time. It was a fine afternoon. Your kids are beautiful and energetic. Fun to see the pictures.
