Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Berg Wedding

Brett Berg and the former Renae Cronk.

The groom and I watch as the bride arrives.

Sean, my co-worker from the college, also attended.

Brett and Renae

This afternoon I had the distinct honor and privilege to officiate the wedding of Brett Jonathan Berg and Christine Renae Cronk.

We originally met through my niece Rachel, who currently studies massage therapy under Renae. The couple had been looking for an officiant, and Rachel suggested they contact me. We had the chance to meet a little more than a month ago and made plans to perform the ceremony.

The wedding was beautiful, and of course, I got to see it all from the most unique perspective. I'm thankful they trusted me to perform this sacred honor.


This year I officiated 3 weddings, and each time I saw people I did not expect. During this wedding, I saw Sean sitting among the congregation. He works in the tech department at the community college. We used to see each other fairly often when I worked in Colville, and ironically, now that I'm working in Spokane, we hardly ever cross paths.

Anyway, it's fun to see people I know, especially when it happens unexpectedly.

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