Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cancun #2

The main tower of the Crown Paradise Hotel.

A view at dusk of Crown Paradise.


Our family arrived at Cancun International Airport in the early afternoon on Friday after less than 7 hours in the air. We passed through immigration and customs and progressed directly to baggage claim without delay. Inside the airport, we were bombarded with people trying to sell various forms of ground transportation, time shares, and God knows what else. They speak very convincingly, as though they were expecting us. If I hadn't been prepared in advance by other traveler reviews, I might have fallen right into their high pressure sale. Instead, we walked right through the chaos to where our pre-arranged transportation awaited.

Crown Paradise Club

Our van took us immediately to the Crown Paradise Club on the southern end of the Hotel Zone. Crown paradise exceeded our expectations and provided a wonderful service in an all-inclusive environment. We ate for free at more than 7 restaurants, and enjoyed immediate beach access. More on this later.

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