Thursday, October 04, 2007


Looking north...

The entrance to the Sherwood...

The Paulsen Building...


My mind is absorbed with thoughts of windows, doors, and openings to new places in life. About two weeks ago I dreamed I saw myself running over a series of steel beams in a dreary industrial setting. I remember feeling a sense of urgency to escape the darkness, especially when I looked down and I realized the beams formed a row of crosses (in representation of past suffering). Just then I heard a Voice saying, "Look! There's an opening ahead! Go quickly now and you'll overcome the last cross." I ran ahead and crawled through a small opening in the ceiling, reaching toward the light.

Then just last night I dreamed I was walking down a long hall with an authority figure in my waking life. When we reached the end of the hall, she opened a door and invited me to enter. She then handed me a key and said, "This is the key to your new office."

In each dream, I get a sense of opening window or doors to new phases in my life.

My photographs today each represent a kind of opening, whether I'm watching a brief parting of clouds in a rain storm, or the entryway to the Sherwood, or the windows of the Paulsen Building, partially obscured by tree branches.

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