Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Nothing overly extraordinary happened today, except perhaps for the foot of snow we received the last few days. This is the most snow I've seen in this area for a long time. The top photograph is the view of my street as I went to work this morning. The bottom photograph shows a rather strange little scene on Main Street, where an antique store has two artificial palm trees in front, covered in snow.

The old Food Court in downtown Spokane now sits empty. For some reason I was struck by the symmetry and openness of the space. But after snapping a few pictures, a security guard appeared out of nowhere and became somewhat belligerent with me. It's amazing how so many people feel threatened by the presence of a camera, even in a vacant food court. Seriously, what kind of security risk could a photographer realistically pose in a place like this?

Finally, I passed through Riverpark Square this afternoon and saw the remains of the massive Christmas tree I posted earlier. For some reason the concentric circles in this scene drew my attention.

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