Saturday, February 09, 2008


After much electrified anticipation, the crowd burst into wild applause when Hillary Clinton made her entrance into the room. She was not my first pick for president, but I found myself carried by the wave of enthusiasm. Remarkably, she stood only 30 or 40 feet away on a raised platform.

After so many negative portrayals in the media, seeing Hillary in person changed my impression of her. She was elegant, poised, and commanding. There's no doubt in my mind that if she wins, she will be a strong and capable leader.

Of course, she addressed all the key themes of her campaign. She talked about creating universal health care, lowering the price of gasoline in the Inland Northwest, increasing Veteran's Administration benefits for our vets, decreasing the cost of education, and ending the insanity of the Iraq War. Whether or not I vote for Hillary in the caucus, I felt energized to know so many people in Spokane share my values as a voter. If she does get the nomination, I would be happy to support her.

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