Thursday, December 25, 2008


We are blessed by the explosion of stocking candies and wrapping papers strewn across the floor, showing that in spite of occasional hardships, we still enjoy the blessings of abundance.

We are blessed with children who are still young enough to wake at dawn Christmas morning with giddy anticipation, and who still respect the family tradition that requires everyone to wait in the hall until the whole family has properly assembled.

We are blessed with surprise visitors on Christmas.

We are blessed with LOVE.


  1. And they are blessed to have a dad like you!

  2. It looks like you finished your hat. How did it turn out?

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Yes we are blessed! Blessed with beautiful children, friends, family, love, and yes Barry is a huge part of that blessing!

  4. Anonymous11:25 PM

    By they way this is Rhonda who commented.

  5. Thanks all for the comments. Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone.

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    our house still looks like a big mess!!!
    the big kids then the grandkids
    still working on cleaning up.
    yep really enjoyed the holiday this year.
    so happy to see your family did well this holiday.
    in light and spirit

  7. TR, I really appreciate your support.

    'Chelle, the hats turned out great. Thank You!

    Janet, I'm glad you check in from time to time. Miss you.
