Friday, February 06, 2009

Spirit World

To all my friends, family, and followers, I'm going into a different state of mind in the next few days. You might say it's like visiting a different world or taking a step back in time. I wish I could say more, but you'll just have to ask.

Probably I will not post much for at least a week, but then again, I may surprise myself.

Does anyone have a request from my travels? Shall I bring back a souvenir? And if I do find some memento from the other world, what would it look like? What would it sound like? What color is it? What message would you have me deliver?


  1. After meditating on this yesterday this came to my awarenes--What you will find for yourself will be blue. And, you may find a message for me. There may also be a message for JenX.

    Blessed travel on this Journey.

    Blessed be...

  2. Wow. That blue "thing" has been coming up a lot lately, and from many different sources, but that's another conversation entirely.

    Oklahoma, are you searching for a specific message, or are you simply suggesting I may bump into something connected to you? I can never make any promises, but your chances of finding something increase if you send a specific intent.

    If you do have a specific question, you may wish to send it to my private email:

    If not, I will just keep my eyes open for what happens to stop by.

  3. i keep drawing a blank. all i can think of is all the people my father loved who have gone before them - and are they wishing him home or glad to let him stay here with me a little while longer. and, i want to know why my father had tears in his eyes the last time i saw him at the nursing home - friday - and if he understands, but can no longer find the crease in his brain where all the words live.

  4. Jen... I'm taking your questions to heart, and while I can never promise any specific outcome, I will do my best to see the situation as clearly as possible.

    It's a strange thing... I just went to the hospital this evening to visit a relative dying of cancer. He was almost completely unresponsive to my presence, but I sang for him and prayed. A single tear streamed down his face, and for the briefest instant, I could see you and your father in my mind's eye. On some level I felt like you made the question and suddenly I was seeing firsthand the very phenomenon you described. I almost felt like you created that experience for me.

    I don't know if it applies to your father, but in the moment I saw my relative's tear drop, I got the feeling that he was standing between two worlds, at the culmination of everything; all the love, sorrow, anger, regret, happiness... it all combines into a single breath or a single tear drop. And while his earthly mind/body labors under the intensity of his suffering, his spirit is collecting all experiences and making sense of this journey called life. It's an assessment of things gained and things lost. It's a collection of things that really matter, as well as a letting go of things long past.

    Any of us would feel that way in a time such as this.

    I have to believe that somewhere under all the layers of pain, a tiny light of awareness still permeates the soul of those who suffer. Your father is still present someplace, even if he can't find the means to respond. He feels your life and love; this I believe for certain.

  5. I hadn't seen any updates from you in a few days on my "follower" gig so I didn't know about htis until I opened my email. I'm so bad about checking email. I feel very overwhelmed at the moment - just very sad and tears flowing. I don't know what to say. I wish he could convey to me the sense he is making of the journey. I know everything you say is right and true. And, I'm glad to know his tears weren't my imagination. I never wanted my father to have regrets or sorrow at the end. Thank you for taking the time to provide this message and insight. I'll carry it with me the rest of my life. You can't imagine how much it means, or maybe you can, having lost your father.

  6. Your father's tear drop IS the message. If you take that into your heart, you'll hear him just as clear as the sun on a bright summer morning.
