Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The seasons are finally turning, from summer to fall.

My morning run brought toward a chilling fog that clung to me skin and crackled on the power lines. I began my run with focused intent, but the brilliant fall colors drew me into their spell. By the end, I found myself renewed by the yellow leaves and the cool, damp air.


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I love Fall!!! It is my favorite!!

  2. Wow, the first one is like a dream again. Marvellous!

  3. Beautiful!! The trees here are just starting to turn. Should be a gorgeous drive next week when I go to Missouri.

    blessed be...

  4. Did you take the photos? I like 'em, especially the first two.

  5. Yep, I most certainly did take these pictures. I usually post all my own pics, unless otherwise indicated. Of course, these two samples are heavily edited. We might say they're under the influence of some "special effects," courtesy of Gimp.
