Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Merchant Reunion

Over the last few weeks, my life has become crazy-busy with all manner of work related projects, international trips, and family illness. For the one who used to post every day, my blog has fallen hopeless behind.

But my wife informs me that this is a blog post I cannot miss. "People are depending on you to post pictures from the family reunion," she says, "Grandma Great is depending on you." Oh man! Rhonda invoked her grandmother, making it impossible for me to escape posting the family blog. Had she invoked any other person or reason, I might have found some wiggle room, but not Grandma Great. That clinches the deal.

So yes, the Merchant family had a reunion in beautiful McCall, Idaho, in a retreat center we rented for the occasion. We all drove down and spent Thanksgiving together. Even Mike's family drove up from Arizona.

But Grandma was the rock star of the weekend. When she arrived, the house erupted into cheers and shouts of joy from all the grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even the great great grandchildren. The Queen of England could not have inspired more celebration than when Grandma walked throught he door.

These pictures represent just a small part of the memories we created on Thanksgiving weekend.

And of course, the Merchants had a talent night for all the kids to sing and play musical instruments. We would never expect less.

Bailey played a song in honor of her dad.

As I mentioned, Grandma Great was the life of the party. Everyone lined up to get their picture taken with her.

Derrick also joined us for the reunion.

Glenda's sister drove up to spend the evening with the family.

Grandma told both Dakota and Derrick that they each needed at least a dozen girlfriends before they decided to settle on just one.

Rhonda and her grandma.


  1. Hello Barry! I have been following your trip from afar.
    This is such a heartwarming post!

  2. Hello Ciel.... haven't seen you in a while. Glad you are well. Thanks for commenting on this post.
