Friday, April 02, 2010

The Ruins

The ruins at the Tonto National Monument are at least 700 years old. Many people imagine that the ruins represent a deceased culture when in fact, the descendents of the so-called cliff-dwellers live today in surrounding communities. Some evidence even suggests that the last use of these buildings occured as recently as 1883.

The Salt River/Roosevelt Lake (named for Teddy Roosevelt) is visible in the background.

Stone tools remain where they were left several hundred years ago.

Dakota at the ruins.

McKenna standing near an ancient window.

In this photograph, the original building timbers are still visible.

Whitney at the ruins.

A low doorway allows sunlight to enter.


And of course, what a perfect place to re-create the "Barry." On a serious note, our visit to the ruins was one of the highlights of our trip so far.

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