Friday, August 27, 2010

The Honor System

Just after midday, we took a break and visited an organic strawberry farm where we got to enjoy a delicious strawberry shortcake and a strawberry lemonade.

But the most incredible part of the farm is that people pay using the honor system. Every item is labeled with an appropriate price, but no one collects the money. A cash drawer sits unattended on the counter with a handwritten note reading, "You Pay Yourself." During the brief time of our visit, at least four or five people deposited money into the cash drawer. I was both delighted and surprised to see this.

When I took this picture of the cash drawer, a fellow customer turned to me and said, "Isn't it wonderful? It makes me so happy to see that the honor system still functions in the world."

A sign in the store reads: "Make art, not war."

I was inspired to see this organization operating in a way that makes the world a better place by promoting community values and respect.

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