Sunday, September 26, 2010


This Saturday I drove to Sandpoint, Idaho for a brief public speaking engagement. I arrived about a half hour early and happened upon a farmer's market and Octoberfest celebration organized around a small park and community fountain. I have fond childhood memories of the Pike Place Market in Seattle, so I always love to find an open air market, with all its colors, textures, and sounds. Some people sold flowers, fresh produce, or even homespun wool. Farmer's markets are a beautiful example of community spirit.

This woman sold flowers at the market.

Jars of homemade jelly always give me a sense of warmth.

This homespun wool was also dyed with natural colors.

Wreaths made of flowers.

Homegrown carrots (with a few purple carrots).

Tie-dyed shirts....

After visiting the market, I had a few minutes to wander around the main street of Sandpoint. It was a perfect, sunny day for sight seeing.

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